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Spring Clean your Spirit

Tara Wright

Have you been feeling swamped, overwhelmed, stuck in a rut, or had the blahs? I know I have. So this month I decided it's time to REFRESH!

Since Spring Break and the time change for daylight savings I have been out of sorts. I feel overly busy and not enough time in the day - isn't that contrary to daylight savings?!

I am normally fairly upbeat and make a to-do list and get it done - NOT so recently! For myself when I am feeling overwhelmed or out of sorts, it is even harder to get motivated. I have also heard around the 'net that I am not alone in feeling these "Springtime Blues" so I have put together a few things to hopefully help you get on the bright side again!

The Story of the Rainbow

To start with did you know that the rainbow is a gift of Hope from God following the Flood? It is the evidence of the promise that the Lord made with Noah that He would never again flood the Earth as punishment for its wickedness after Noah saved the beasts and his family to renew the Earth.

And scientifically, in order to see a rainbow, you must see the light through the rain. It's like accepting the thorns with the roses, appreciating happiness because of sorrow - there is a cycle to life and whatever has you down will eventually pass.

“Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice.” – Zig Ziglar

If you would like to add some rainbows to your everyday life, there are LOTS of quilty opportunities for making or purchasing!

I saved a few pins to my "Quilt-spiration board for you too! Click the link below:

Take a Moment ( or more) for Yourself!

When life is either so hectic, or you have been mostly alone in your home for so long, or whatever the case may be, you need to take care of yourself or you will not be able to take care of anyone or anything else.

So I did a little surfing and picked a few things that sounded doable & helpful.

  • Little things you can do:

  • Ways to start your day off better:

  • Ideas for your home & yourself:

More Spring Things...

If you need some more fun ideas for Spring, please check out my Pinterest boards (see the icon at the bottom of this & every website page) for some new seasonal recipes, fun kid activities, gardening things, and even nature-inspired health remedies if all the pretty flowers are making you a sneezing monster!

If you still want to accomplish some physical cleaning, here are a couple fun "clean-alongs" that are being done for your quilting/hobby areas:

currently by Jessica Dayon & Gigi's Thimble:

or last month by All People Quilt:

For me, I am going to be going out on the shrimp boat and spending more time with my husband and the great outdoors simultaneously - it's actually quite peaceful. Plus quilting in my "spare" time! *You can see what I'm up to more regularly by following me on Instagram or Facebook (icons below).

And I will try to be a little more timely with my posts ;)

Until next time - Be blessed my friends!



© 2020 by Tara Wright DBA Polka Dot Peep  Mail to: 12343 Glenmeadow Dr, Stafford, TX 77477.  All rights reserved

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