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Nothing but Love Quilt Along - Inspiration

Tara Wright

Updated: May 12, 2022

Hi friends! It's time for another fabulous adventure into foundation paper piecing with Block #6 - Inspiration!

Since this is our second FPP block, the main difference for making this pretty lily block is that there are more sections that combine to make the one block.

I hope that the loves in your life fill you with inspiration on a daily basis. For me, this block embodies how inspiration blooms and grows into something beautiful!

"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is LOVE and INSPIRATION, I don't think you can go wrong." - Ella Fitzgerald

I love the creative process of designing quilt blocks, and often get inspired by the littlest thing - a song, a child's story, a beautiful fabric. I hope that you enjoy turning my little inspirations into beautiful quilts and I am honored that you are here!

The Block Pattern

For starters, I did slightly alter the pattern after I made the original Redwork Garden version (by Bunny Hill Designs for Moda) because the order of construction created that slight wobble in the stem which I didn't like.

So with this FPP pattern of a lily and her buds (LOL) there are seven templates. Don't be daunted! Each piece has an identifying letter and then the numbers are the same - telling the order of sewingeach piece.

I think you will love the simplicity of putting this block together even though it is slightly more complicated than our first block (ADORATION). Each FPP block will up your skill level a bit, but the basic principles and process stay the same.

You can also slightly alter the fabric choices in this one for a different look to your flowers. Remember - stretch your creative wings to make something unique and beautiful!

Since it is getting close to Easter, and I LOVE Easter Lilies, here is my version to obtain more of that "lilies in bloom" look. I mention this in the pattern as an option for less greenery or leaves and more of the flower color.

(Put three of these together and you would have a lovely table runner that is deceptively easy.)

Here is my new rainbow version using Adel in Spring by Sandy Gervais for Riley Blake. Since I am very focused on color saturation I have to use the fabric patterns to differentiate my details. I love these lilies in every option so far.. what about you?

Drum roll are the downloadable pattern and templates for Block 6 -Inspiration (pattern revised for formatting issues 4/24/22):

If you have any questions or issues with downloading please ask here or on the contact page. Remember to print at 100%.

Let's Make the Inspiration Block - Tips and Tutorial

After printing all the templates and pattern and choosing your fabrics then cut out your pieces. For this block it is important to organize your pieces. I recommend doing this as you cut. So lay out your template pieces as described in the pattern. And then as you cut, simply lay the pieces on top of the paper template that matches the label (like A1, D3, etc). Also these templates are printed in grayscale to aid in fabric placement.

(Ignore all the green labels on these photos as they were changed afterward.)

Then I set them aside in the pairs of similar blocks - that is all but the one stem section. And I sew them in this way as well...two by two.

Then prep your machine - shorten stitch length, change foot if needed, check bobbin thread - and it's time to sew by number!

  1. Remember to place fabrics on the blank side and sew on the printed side of template.

  2. Lock your stitches at starts and stops to help when removing paper.

  3. When placing fabrics, the first fabric (lower #) is right side up and second fabric is right side down.

  4. Fold the fabric on the seam to be sewn to assist with fabric placement and seam allowance.

  5. The seam edges are toward the piece that is next - flip to make sure before you sew.

  6. The pieces are generously sized to help cover all the edges, but try to keep your seam allowances close to 1/4" when placing fabric.

After completing the 4 top sections (A-D), it's time for the bottom. The side sections have the most pieces and some overlap in two areas, so make sure your fabric pieces cover both edges/fold lines. Sew in numerical order just like usual. I like to use pins to help keep the fabric taut and in place.

For the last piece - the half square - you can see that placement is very important, if you wobble too much or make the seam allowance too big you could end up not covering all the way to the edge of the section. It is ok to be off a little, but you definitely need a little overlap of the outer solid line.

You're in the home stretch! Let's finish this block:

Trim the sections on the dotted lines.

sew the top and bottom sections together. Press the seams open. Then sew the top and bottom sections together - there is no center seam to line up the flower so just align the block edges.

Then remove the papers (don't forget the papers in the seams). Give it another press and admire that beautiful lily!

Don't forget that it is so much more fun when you share your progress on the blog, Instagram, or Facebook. Don't forget to use the hashtags #nothingbutloveQAL #inspirationblock or tag me @polkadotpeepquiltsetc

There are link buttons to my Instagram and Facebook on my website.

You can also sign up and join my community here on Wix (or the Wix Spaces app).

Next week I will be quilting this beauty with the WAVY LINES quilting motif. Another fun one with your walking foot!

Here is the quilt along schedule (with links for you to catch up anytime):

Nothing but Love Schedule

December 20, 2021 - Quilt Along Intro & Details

January 10, 2022 – Get Ready: Prep the Fabrics & Batting

January 17 – Affection

January 31 – Refuge

February 14 – Joyful

February 28 – Adoration

March 14 – Devotion

March 28 – Inspiration

April 11 – Besotted

April 25 – Admiration

May 9 – Infatuation

May 23 – Faithful

June 6 – Smitten

June 20 – Cherish

July 4 – Patience

July 18 – Comfort

August 1 – Grateful

August 15 –Hopeful

August 29 – Enamored

September 12 - Sashing It All Together & Finishing Details

**Each “between block” Monday there will be a post for quilting the blocks:

January 24, February 7 & 21, March 7 & 21, April 4 & 18, May 2 & 16 & 30, June 13 & 27, July 11 & 25, August 8 & 22, September 5

Have fun making your blocks - I can't wait to see!

Wishing you much inspiration!

Be blessed my friends,



© 2020 by Tara Wright DBA Polka Dot Peep  Mail to: 12343 Glenmeadow Dr, Stafford, TX 77477.  All rights reserved

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