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Hello January!

Tara Wright

Hi y'all! Are you ready to say start a new year, a new month, a new adventure?

Well ready or not, it's HERE! I am totally ready for a new month with new projects, new experiences, and new surprises.

First, let me apologize for being AWOL the last few weeks. After Thanksgiving, my Christmas custom orders blew up, my computer keyboard died, my husband's business needed some hands-on help, and all of the other fun things that holidays bring - there was just not enough time in the day! I do hope your holidays were delightful and not too stressful (kind of a silver lining that large get-togethers were frowned upon so less worrying, planning, cooking, traveling, etc.)

Next, this blog is a new endeavor and it's purpose (in my mind) is for sharing bigger things than possible on Instagram and Facebook. Recipes, Printables, Quilt-alongs, Videos, and such can (and will) be found here. But if you want more daily contact, updates, photos, messages, and happenings PLEASE follow me on social media @polkadotpeepquiltsetc. There are little button links at the bottom of this (and every) page on my website. You can also follow me on Pinterest (Tara Wright/ to see what I like and other interesting things I find on home farms, raising chickens, gardening, herbal remedies, soap-making, cooking, family activities and more.

Now for some upcoming goodies for 2021...


I am doing a cleaning/organizing hashtag with some friends, so that now includes YOU! Each month I will provide a topic and a printable list of ideas/tasks, plus include some links for accomplishing said items. Hopefully this will inspire you with new ideas, methods, support, and some surprising fun!

QUILT-ALONGS: Stitchery Sampler, Fruits of the Spirit, Farmer's Wife, Nothing But Love

I am going to be a "sewing sister" for several projects this year and will provide you with information on joining in the fun, and of course updates on my progress. One of these will be a Block of the Month designed by yours truly & I am SUPER excited!

Of course I will continue to share recipes, joyous moments of inspiration, crafty tips, and other good things in the days to come.

Finally I leave you with this new thing I saw and am trying out - a word of the year...

reflect on how you wish to look at the new world in this new year and choose a word to focus upon during your next journey around the sun. Make a small sign (draw, sew, photo), put your word on it, and hang it somewhere in your daily path. I will share mine soon...

Until next time, be blessed my friends,



© 2020 by Tara Wright DBA Polka Dot Peep  Mail to: 12343 Glenmeadow Dr, Stafford, TX 77477.  All rights reserved

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